Experimental study of the loss of the droplet shape stability in a skirling flow
V.A. Arkhipov, A.P. Berezikov, V.F. Trofimov, A.S. Usanina
Keywords: вязкая жидкость, капля, критическое число Бонда, деформация, неустойчивость Рэлея–Тейлора, viscous liquid, drop, critical Bond number, breakdown, Rayleigh–Teylor instability
The results of experimenatl study of drop movement and breakdown in a skirling viscous flow at small Reynolds numbers are presented. For the first time it is shown that at small Reynolds numbers the drop breakdown is observed at some critical Bond number values. The dependence of the critical Bond number value corresponding to drop shape instability by Rayleigh–Teylor mechanism from drop movement regime at Reynolds numbers Re = 0.03 ¸ 0.84 is experimentally found.