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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2013 year, number 2

Numerical investigation of flow over two sweepback wedges at M = 4 and 6

Yu.P. Gounko and I.I. Mazhul
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: numerical experiments, supersonic velocity, sweepback compression wedge, shock waves, 3D detachment of boundary layer, interaction between separation flows


Results of numerical simulation are discussed: simulation was carried out for a configuration of two wedges with sweepback leading edges placed on a pre-compression ramp in a way that skewed surfaces of the wedges deflect the compressed flows in the opposite directions. It was demonstrated that this configuration produces a flow with irregular interaction in the plane of symmetry for shock waves produced by sweepback wedges. The shock waves formed by the skew wedges induce 3D boundary layer separations along sweepback leading edges of the wedges. Flows in the separation zones are directed toward the plane of symmetry of this configuration; they interact and produce in the central part a “swollen” zone of separation flow with a typical S-shaped profile of velocity. Simulation data was obtained for the free stream flow with Mach number М = 4 and 6 and based upon Navier—Stokes equations and k-ω  SST turbulence model using FLUENT computation code. Inviscid flow described by Euler equations was considered as well.