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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2013 year, number 1

Landscape-Ecological Patterns of Earthworms Distribution in Soils of the Southern Part of Middle Siberia

V. B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS, 664033, Irkutsk, а/я 379, Ulan-Batorskaya str., 1
Keywords: number and biomass of earthworms, structure of communities, soil, ecological factors, landscape distribution, anthropogenic impact
Pages: 27-36


The structure of earthworm communities and their distribution in the ecosystems of the southern part of Middle Siberia at the local (biogeocenotic), topological (facies) and landscape-regional levels were studied. Long-term observations from permanent stations were used to construct schematic maps portraying the landscape-ecological patterns of variation in quantitative characteristics and species composition of lumbricides depending on abiotic factors and anthropogenic impact.