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2013 year, number 1

Magneto-Optical Resonances in Cells with an Antirelaxation Coating for Elliptically Polarized Radiation

K. A. Nasyrov
Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch, Russia Academy of Sciences, pr. Akademika Koptyuga 1, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia
Keywords: magneto-optical resonance, elliptical polarization of radiation, optical Bloch equations
Pages: 103-110


It is predicted theoretically that the combination of elliptically polarized radiation and an antirelaxation coating of the walls of a vacuum cell containing alkali metal vapor provides an asymmetric shape of the magneto-optical resonance. The cause of the asymmetry is the optical pumping of the ground-state hyperfine component which is not destroyed upon collision of the atom with the wall. The effect is most pronounced when the laser frequency is tuned to the resonance with the the F → F + 1 transition