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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2012 year, number 5

Reserves of Restorable Substances in the Soils of Technogenic Landscapes of the Kuznetsk Basin

D. A. Sokolov, V. G. Dvurechenskii, V. A. Androchanov
Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry SB RAS
Keywords: technogenic landscapes, embryozems, forms of iron; oxidation-reduction processes, restorable substances
Pages: 743-748


Storage of reducible substances in the soils of coal-pit dumps is evaluated. It is ascertained that reducible substances content in 0.5-m strata of coal-pit dumps all over the region is 221 thousand tons and these substances consist of different forms of non-silicate iron. 19.5 % of these substances at that fall on compounds able to reduce and migrate with superficial water and intrasoil runoff in embryozems. Solutions arisen in this case exceed the maximum concentration limit of iron. It is shown that during forming man-caused landscapes it is necessary to provide conditions for the development of soil formation processes and faster attainment of humus-accumulative stage of soil evolution to prevent the negative consequences initiated by reducing processes proceeding in dumps.