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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2012 year, number 5

Accumulation of Copper and Zinc in Spring Rape (Brassica napus L.) from Artificially Polluted Liver-Coloured Soil

M. S. Panin, М. Т. Koigeldinova
Semiрalatinsk State Pedagogical Institute
Keywords: heavy metals, phytoremediation, monoelement al pollution, polyelemental pollution, liver-colored soil, antagonism, synergism
Pages: 719-727


Accumulation of Cu and Zn by 4-week germs of spring rape (Brassica napus L.) was studied in vegetation experiments with different doses of mono- and polyelemental pollution of liver-colored soil. It was demonstrated that the species Brassica napus L. can be recommended for Cu and Zn phytoextraction when there is polyelemental load on soil in the dose of 1 maximum permissible concentration; Cu - for any level of copper pollution, as well as Zn under the conditions of the minimal level of zinc pollution.