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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2011 year, number 6

Novel Method for the Bromination of Aromatic Polynitro Сompounds

Research Institute of Organic Intermediate Products and Dyes,
Ul. B. Sadovaya 1/4, Moscow 123995 (Russia)
Keywords: bromination, aromatic compounds, dinitrobenzenes, bromine, nitric acid
Pages: 589–592


A simple method of bromination with a high yield is proposed for severely deactivated aromatic compounds, such as 1,3-dinitrobenzenes and polycyclic nitro compounds. The method proposed is based on the action of bromine in sulphuric acid in the presence of nitric acid. The reaction stoichiometry corresponds to the consumption of 0.5 mol of bromine and 0.5 mol of nitric acid per 1 mol of an aromatic substrate. The nature of the bromination agent is under discussion.

UDC 547.551.4+547.56+547.655.1+547.831.4