Transient behavior of superheated water jets boiling
A.V. Reshetnikov, K.A. Busov, N.A. Mazheiko, V.N. Skokov, V.P. Koverda
Institute of Thermophysics UB RAS
Keywords: superheated liquid, nucleation frequency, transient behavior of boiling, jet forms, 1/f fluctuations
Pages: 329-336
Superheated water flowing out from high-pressure chamber through short cylindrical and slot channel has been studied experimentally. Relation of vaporization mechanisms in superheated liquid (boiling in single, not interacting centers, intense heterogeneous vaporization, and homogeneous fluctuating nucleation) and respective forms of superheated water jets has been determined. Temperature intervals with transient behavior of boiling have been determined. It is shown that at transient behavior of boiling the amplitude of pulsations of jet parameters increases, and in the spectra of pulsation power, the low-frequency component 1/f appears.