The features of rewetting dynamics of the overheated surface by a falling film of cryogenic liquid
I.P. Starodubtseva, A.N. Pavlenko, O.A. Volodin, A.S. Surtaev
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS
Keywords: transitional processes, film flow, liquid nitrogen, numerical modeling
Pages: 307-316
The dynamic process of rewetting of the overheated surface by gravitationally falling film of cryogenic liquid was firstly modeled numerically with consideration of local distribution of heat transfer coefficient in the wetting zone along the 2D front. The front shape corresponding to self-organizing regular structures observed in experiments was obtained in the numerical experiment. Evolution of the front shape was studied. It was shown that local motion velocities of different areas of the 2D wetting front differed significantly. Total time of transitional process was determined by the minimal velocity of evaporating liquid boundaries in the front zones between boiling jets. This model allows quantitative determination for the wetting front velocity, variable in time and space, and temperature fields in the heater. Reliability of calculation results was proved by direct comparison with experimental data.