Stability of 3D flow of viscous liquid streamlined by the turbulent gas flow
S.P. Aktershev, S.V. Alekseenko
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS
Keywords: liquid film, 3D flow, turbulent gas flow, stability, waves on the interface
Pages: 279-292
Stability of the combined flow of liquid film and turbulent gas is studied theoretically for an arbitrary angle between the directions of gas flow and gravity force. The three-dimensional wave flow of the film is described on the basis of integral approach and quasilaminar model of the turbulent gas flow. Increment and phase velocity of waves are calculated for the case of a vertical film and horizontal gas flow depending on the direction of their propagation. According to calculations, the cross gas flow increases the instability area significantly as well as the range of directions for propagation of the fast growing perturbations on the film surface.