Conical separation zone formation at impingement of supersonic jet on obstacle under cold spraying
A.P. Alkhimov, V.F. Kosarev, S.V. Klinkov, A.A. Sova, G.V. Trubacheev, V.N. Zaikovsky
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS
Keywords: supersonic jet, conical separation zone, cold gasdynamic spraying
Pages: 225-232
Impingement of supersonic jet upon substrate surface, in front of which conical separation zone is created artificially with the aid of a spike or particle under conditions typical of cold spraying on geometric and dynamic parameters, is considered. Numerical simulation is carried out. Simulation results are in qualitative agreement with experimental observation data. Preliminary analysis of obtained pattern of supersonic jet impingement shows that in local ring area, creation of more favorable conditions for cold spraying of fine particles sized 1 micron or less is possible comparing to typical conditions.