A new program of basic researches on the Russian spatial development
V.M Kotlyakov, O.B. Glezer, A.I. Treyvish, A.N. Shvetsov
Keywords: interdisciplinary synthesis, spatial and regional development, factors, resources, limitations and barriers, modernization of Russia, development strategies
Pages: 24-44
The paper presents a brief review of results obtained within the program on «Fundamental Issues of Spatial Development: Interdisciplinary Synthesis» launched by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences for 2009-2011. It also presents the program on «The Role of the Space in Modernization of Russia: Resource and Socio-Economic Potentials» for2012-2014 -its objectives, goals, list of topics and organizational framework. This new program is notable for its continuity of the previous one and its focus on a dual role the space - as an integrated resource and limited condition of system transformations in the country.