Siberian school of regional studies within the framework of the program on Fundamental Issues of Spatial Development: Interdisciplinary Synthesis launched by the Presidium of the SB RAS
V.V. Kuleshov, V.YE. Seliverstov, V.I. Suslov, S.A. Suspitsin
Keywords: spatial development, development strategy, modeling-methodical complex, macro-financial balance sheets, spatial transformations, regional clusters
Pages: 3-23
The paper presents the results of the researches made by the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, SB RAS within the program on spatial development launched by the Presidium of the SB RAS. We also put forward a concept of strategizing the Russian spatial development which includes national strategizing and those at the levels of federal districts and RF subjects. We also present our analysis of several development strategies for Siberia and its regions; new optimization model of inter-sectoral regional development; long-term development scenarios for our country and Siberia made by the application of this model; and technique for assessment of spatial transformations. This technique is based on the modeling-methodical complex «SIRENA-2» which includes imitation and normative models of different levels of spatial hierarchy.