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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2010 year, number 3

Microspheric Aluminosilicate Sorbents for Solidification of Liquid Radioactive Wastes in the Mineral-Like Form

N. G. Vasilieva1, T. A. Vereshchagina1, N. N. Anshits1, S. N. Vereshchagin2, N. N. Shishkina1, L. A. Solovyev1, A. G. Anshits2
1 Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Federal University
Keywords: cenospheres, solidification of liquid radioactive wastes, porous materials, microspheric sorbents, glass-ceramic compounds
Pages: 231-237


The use of the products formed in combustion of the mineral part of coal (cenospheres) that are close in the ratio SiO2/Al2O3 to crystalline aluminosilicates of the structural type of rock-forming granitoid minerals, in processing and burying radioactive wastes (RAW) allows one to solve the problems of waste minimization both in nuclear and fuel power engineering. Due to the application of microspehric zeolites and porous materials based on cenospheres of the ash from the combustion of the Kuznetsk coal for solidification of liquid RAW containing cesium and strontium radionuclides, it becomes possible to obtain glass crystal compounds under rather soft conditions (750-900 °С). Under these conditions, mineral-like phases of feldspar and feldspathoids fixing radionuclides in their lattice are formed. The target phases content reaches 66-80 %.