Publishing House SB RAS:

Publishing House SB RAS:

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Region: Economics and Sociology

2011 year, number 4

Issues of public-private partnership in Northern strategic projects

I.A. Vizhina, A.A. Kin, V.N. Kharitonova,,
Keywords: the North, Arctic region, mega-projects, public and regional priorities, geopolitical and managerial risks of projects, public-private partnership
Pages: 152-175


The study analyses what problems the public authorities experience concerning implementation of strategic development of the Russian North and Arctic, and what role the government plays in reducing geopolitical and administrative risks of such projects. We prove a necessity to have federal coordinators for strategic projects who could act at a preplanning stage and coordinate the measures undertaken by federal authorities to ensure an inter-sectoral balance, coordination of the activity of different companies involved in the projects and a favorable climate in order to have multiplicative effects in regions. Having such coordinators, we could significantly reduce a time of decision-making.