Scanning Tunneling Microscope Coupled with a Tunnel Current Spectrometer
V. N. V'yukhin, Y. A. Popov
Institute of Automation and Electrometry Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences,
Keywords: scanning tunneling microscope, tunneling spectroscopy, tunneling current, second derivative of tunneling current, volt-ampere characteristic of tunnel junction
Pages: 114-118
A scanning tunneling microscope equipped with an attachment for high-resolution tunneling spectroscopy is described. The electronic unit of the microscope provides advance of the needle, scanning, and measurement of the tunneling current, and has means for coupling with a tunnel current spectrometer. The spectrometer uses a modulation procedure for measuring the second derivative of the volt-ampere characteristic of the tunneling gap and has a sensitivity of up to 0.25 pA for a modulating signal amplitude of 2 mV.