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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2009 year, number 2

Anode Oxidation of Sulphite and Thiosulphate Ions on Porous Electrodes Made of Carbon Fibres

A. G. Belobaba, D. V. Sukhorukov, A. I. Masliy, A. A. Gusev
Keywords: porous electrode, carbon fibres, anode oxidation, sulphite, thiosulphate
Pages: 135-140


Dynamics of the anode oxidation of sulphite and thiosulphate solutions (concentration: 10 g/l) on carbon felt VNG-30 and "Karbolon V-22" under different electrolysis conditions was investigated. It was established that these materials are rather stable under anode polarization to ϕ ≈ 1.7 V (c.s.e.) and may be used for the anode oxidation of sulphite and thiosulphate ions. It was demonstrated that the oxidation rate increases with an increase in the anode polarization, especially with a decrease in the concentration of the oxidizing anions. It was shown that the addition of KBr (up to 10 g/l) to the solution causes a substantial acceleration of the oxidation of both sulphite and thiosulphate.