Microspherical Carriers and Adsorbents for the Processes in Corrosive Media
M. V. Pankova1, E. V. Fomenko2, N. N. Anshits3, T. A. Vereshchagina2, A. G. Anshits3
1 Siberian Federal University 2 Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences 3 Siberian Federal University Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences pankovamv@mail.ru, fom@icct.ru
Keywords: cenospheres, microspherical carrier, adsorbent
Pages: 509-516
As the result of the aerodynamic separation of non-magnetic cenosphere fraction, we obtained and characterized narrow homogeneous fractions differing in chemical composition, bulk density (0.195-0.396 g/cm3), average diameter (133-153 μm), thickness (3.1-7.6 μm) and the porosity of globule shell. Regularities in the relationship between the composition and morphology of the globules were established. After processing the product of aerodynamic separation by a reagent based on hydrofluoric acid we obtained a microspherical carrier with available internal volume and pore size ranging within 1-5 μm. Basing on this, we obtained a microspherical adsorbent with an active component triisobutyl phosphine sulphide for selective palladium extraction within a wide range of concentrations (3.6-360 mg/L) from corrosive media.