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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2010 year, number 4

Abiotics and Biotics Factors Affecting the Development of Zooperiphyton in Stream (for Cooler Reservoir as an Example)

T. A. Sharapova
Keywords: zooperiphyton, substrate, Naididae, Plumatella emarginаta, roughness, brightness
Pages: 681-684


Studies of invertebrates inhabiting the stones of the shoal of a cooler reservoir demonstrated predominance of Oligochaeta from Naididae family in number, and Plumatella emarginаta in biomass. With the biomass of zooperiрhyton exceeding 100 g/m2, the substrate roughness and brightness were found to affect the number and biomass; a correlation between the biomass of Plumatella emarginаta and the number of Oligochaeta was revealed.