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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2010 year, number 4

Review of the Fauna of Rotatoria, Cladocera and Copepoda of the Basin of the Anadyr' River

E. A. Streletskaya
Keywords: fauna, Rotatoria, Cladocera, Copepoda, animal plankton, Anadyr'
Pages: 649-662


The composition of animal plankton was studied in thermokarst, glacial and meteorite lakes, canals, former river-beds of the basin of the Anаdyr, river. The number of taxa detected there is 174: 78 Rotatoria, 55 Cladocera, 41 Copepoda. The most diverse is the lake fauna: 51 taxa of Rotatoria, 48 Cladocera, and 37 Copepoda. In thermokarst lake Mayorskoe, 68 taxa were detected: 31 - Rotatoria, 14 - Cladocera, and 23 - Copepoda, whereas in the cold ultraoligotrophic lake Elgygytgyn there is only one cyclop species of the group scutifer Cyclops neymanаe Strel., though Rotatoria and Cladocera are present as allochthons. For Copepoda as example, the connections of the fauna of the Anadyr' with the European, North American and Japanese faunas were revealed.