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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2010 year, number 4

Number and Activity of Bacteria Destroying Organic Matter from the Soda-Saline Lake Khilganta (Southern Transbaikalia) in рН - Salinity Gradient

A. G. Zakharyuk, L. P. Kozyreva, B. B. Namsaraev
Keywords: soda lakes, cyanobacterial mate, destructor bacteria, рН, salinity
Pages: 641-648


It was established that the microbial community of the destructor bacteria in bottom sediments and crust of the soda lake Khilganta is able to develop within a broad range of pH and mineralization. The community of destructor bacteria functions in the most active manner under neutral or weakly alkaline conditions and at not very high salt concentration. The simultaneous action of two factors - high рН and salinity of the medium - leads to a decrease in the number of cells and a decrease in the destruction activity of the community.
The data obtained confirm the previous assumption that the destruction processes are suppressed in the case of high mineralization, which causes accumulation of the organic matter.