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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2010 year, number 4

Radioactive Pollution of Surface Waters in the Anthropogenic Landscapes of South Yakutia

A. P. Chevychelov, A. P. Dyachkovsky, P. I. Sobakin, L. I. Kuznetsova
Keywords: surface waters, anthropogenic landscapes, radioactive pollution, nаtural radionuclides, chemical composition
Pages: 543-549


Chemical composition of Propadayushchiy Stream that drains radioactive waste piles at the Kurung 1 Site (Mine 2) of Yuzhnoye deposit has been studied and the level of radioactive pollution of surface waters in the Elkon ore-bearing region within the territory of South Yakutia has been estimated. We found that the main source of anthropogenic pollution of surface waters in this region is radioactive waste piles which appeared in the zone of hypergenesis because of long-term and large-scale geological surveys for radioactive raw material.