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"Philosophy of Education"

2010 year, number 1


N. B. Yanovskaya, G. B. Yanovskiy
Keywords: philosophy of education, educational process, organization of educational process, Unified State Examination
Pages: 121-126


There is a fundamental dependence between the level of the society development and the level of the education quality in it. The term «crisis of the world education system» appeared in the Western literature at the end of the sixties of the ХХ century and referred to the fact that the learners did not make good practical use of the obtained knowledge and could not make a decision in a non-typical situation. The problem of reforming the domestic educational system has been actively discussed beginning from the 90th. The main reasons for this are the appearance of the children from the «school non-adaptation risk group» at the beginning of the nineties and the actions of «reformers» without the objective appraisal of their consequences. The philosophical understanding of the changes in modern education is required. This is illustrated in the article by the example of the school mathematics course. It is shown that the education quality is diminished because of the «reformers»' effort to cram into a limited time as much diverse information as possible, while the connection to the content and teaching methods in the higher education institutions is utterly lacking. In the opinion of the authors, due to the Unified State Examination in mathematics, the evaluation of knowledge becomes objective.