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"Philosophy of Education"

2010 year, number 1


S. I. Chernykh, V. I. Parshikov
Keywords: education, educational facility, Internet, personal computer, information, educational relationship, tutor, student, distant education
Pages: 50-55


The article deals with the relation between virtuality and reality in the process of education. The authors observe a certain imbalance between such function of education as self-reproduction, self-development and self-preservation of the society and the function of development and perfection of the person. The expansion of online-education and the IT technology are identified as certain catalytic agents for this, and they lead to virtualization of education and a qualitative change in the educational process. In these conditions, education loses its social function and gets closer to the transformation to its own antipode. The education conversion to virtuality as well as the information increase leads not only to deflation of the student's status but also to deflation of education within the process of socialization.