Publishing House SB RAS:

Publishing House SB RAS:

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Region: Economics and Sociology

2009 year, number 4

Natural resource development projects implemented in the Yamal-Nenetz Autonomous Okrug: export risks

V.N. Kharitonova, I.M. Vizhina
Keywords: region, strategy, system-forming project, commercial and public efficiency, energy-output ratio, export, risk
Pages: 145-163


The paper considers the issues of the
long-term development in the Yamal-
Nenetz Autonomous Okrug. We show that
the current financial and economic
crisis may significantly affect the
implementation of the large-scale
projects of system-forming character for
this region. We also evaluate the export
risks for the Yamal Natural Gas
Production Project if European partners
switch over to other gas markets. Should
the Project be withdrawn, the regional
fiscal losses will be so high that the
complete revision of the Yamal socio-
economic strategy will be required.