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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2009 year, number 6

Effect of Temperature on the Fractional Composition of Proteins and Respiration of Germinating Seeds of Gmelin Larch and Siberian Larch

O. V. Masyagina, S. G. Prokushkin, M. Y. Sadilova
Keywords: fractional composition of proteins, Gmelin larch and Siberian larch, temperature effect, seed respiration
Pages: 937-948


Effect of optimal and contrast temperature on the fractional composition of proteins and respiration of germinating seeds of Gmelin larch (Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr.) and Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) is revealed. Prevalence of globulins (salt-soluble fraction) and the fraction of insoluble proteins was detected in the viable air-dry larch seeds. Optimal and contrast temperature of seed germination caused substantial changes in the content and dynamics of separate protein fractions. Contrast temperatures caused stronger changes: the content of insoluble proteins increased, intense consumption of globulins occurred as separate stages of germination. Seed respiration during germination at contrast temperatures increased to a higher extent than it did at the optimal temperature. Temperature mode of germination also affected the character of interrelations between respiration intensity and the content of different protein fractions.