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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2009 year, number 6

Ecological and Biological Features and Prospects of Protection of Menispermum dauricum DC. (Menispermaceae) in Western Transbaikalia

N. E. Shvetsova, A. V. Sutkin
Keywords: relict, Menispermum dauricum DC., new habitats, preservation requirement
Pages: 843-847


The problem of preservation of a relict of nemoral flora Menispermum dauricum DC. in nature is considered. The age structure and features of six local populations are studied. It is shown that, in spite of fact that the species is phytocoenotic patient, local populations on mountain-steppe slopes are influenced by destructive exogenous geomorphological processes. For preservation and restoration of Menispermum dauricum, reservations should be organized. This will also help to introduce and reintroduce Menispermum dauricum.