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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2009 year, number 6

Interconnection Between Variability as Revealed by the Electrophoretic Spectra of Seed Polypeptides and Ecological-Geographic Conditions of the Populations of Hedysarum theinum Krasnob. (Fabaceae family)

O. V. Dorogina, M. A. Agafonova, N. A. Karnaukhova
Keywords: dependence, variability, electrophoretic spectrum, polypeptide spectrum, populations of Hedysarum theinum
Pages: 797-799


Dependence of the variation range revealed in the electrophoretic spectra of seed polypeptides on the ecological-phytocoenotic conditions of 13 populations of Hedysarum theinum Krasnob. (tick trefoil) was investigated. It was discovered that the variation range of the seed polypeptide spectra for the populations of H. theinum from the high-mountain belt of vegetation is smaller than for the populations from the forest belt. The latter is also characterized by the presence of populations in which extremal variation values were observed. Populations from the high-mountain vegetation belt which are borderline with respect to the altitude above the sea level were characterized by not very high variability.