Computer thermodynamic modeling of the transport and deposition of Sb and Au during the formation of Au-Sb deposits
A.A. Obolensky, L.V. Gushchina, A.S. Borisenko, A.A. Borovikov, P.A. Nevol'ko
Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 3 prosp. Akad. Koptyuga, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: Au-Sb deposits; thermodynamic models; ore-forming systems; composition of hydrothermal solutions; Au and Sb transport species; metal transport capacity of solutions
Pages: 950-965
Using the Chiller computer program, we performed modeling of the mechanisms of the joint transport and deposition of Au and Sb from various ore-forming solutions during the formation of Au-Sb deposits. Three models are considered by the example of the Uderei Au-Sb deposit in the Yenisei Ridge: (1) simple cooling (cooling only), (2) iso-enthalpy boiling ( P = f ( T )), and (3) solution-rock interaction (rock titration model). The behavior of Sb(III) and Au(I) in the system Au-Sb-Fe-Cu-Pb-Zn-As-H2O-Cl-H2S-CO2 under hydrothermal conditions was studied. It is shown that both weakly alkaline (near-neutral) and reduced acidic Feaq2-enriched low-chloride high-CO2 and high-chloride hydrothermal solutions play a crucial role in the formation of gold parageneses of Au-Sb ores.