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Russian Geology and Geophysics

2009 year, number 10

Assignment of igneous rocks to lamproite: major- and trace-element criteria and implications for the history of the Tomtor pluton ( northwestern Yakutia )

Yu.A. Bagdasarov
Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Crystal Chemistry of Rear Earth Elements, Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, 15 ul. Veresaeva, 121357, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Tomtor alkaline-carbonatite pluton; picrite; lamproite; major- and trace-element chemistry; petrogenesis
Pages: 911-917


The paper presents objections against assigning picritic and some other igneous rocks to lamproite as suggested by N.V. Vladykin, both in general and in particular for the case of the large Tomtor pluton of alkaline and carbonatite rocks in northwestern Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Classifying the Tomtor picrites (picritic porphyry and its breccia-like varieties) as lamproite appears to be inconsistent with their chemistry, mineralogy, and geology. Discussed are errors and poorly proven postulates in the related publications by Vladykin, which contradict the available field data.