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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2009 year, number 4

Physicochemical Properties of Lignohumic Acids and Their Salt Forms

I. I. Lishtvan, F. N. Kaputsky, Y. G. Yanuta, G. S. Monich, A. M. Abramets, M. A. Belchenko, V. P. Strigutsky, S. V. Parmon, L. A. Shibeka
Keywords: hydrolytic lignin, thermolysis, lignohumic acids, humic acids, surface tension, limiting wetting angle
Pages: 401-406


Physicochemical properties of lignohumic acids, colloid properties of the aqueous solutions of their salt forms (surface tension, limiting wetting angle, viscosity) were investigated. The structure of lignohumic acids was determined using IR and EPR spectroscopy. A comparison between the properties of lignohumic acids and humic acids of peat was carried out. It was shown that lignohumic acids are close in their properties to humic acids of peat.