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"Philosophy of Education"

2009 year, number 1


N. P. Nesgovorova, V. L. Savinyh
Keywords: ecological education, readiness of teachers, complex approach, personal and professional readiness
Pages: 192-199


Ecological education is, to some extent, an independent direction of pedagogical activity, forming its own system which is determined by the ecological culture being delivered through it.
The usage of a complex approach allows substantiating the demands to the readiness of teachers to realize it. The personal and professional readiness of the teacher is an open, complex, poly-functional, and multi-component system. Its model includes integral features, characteristic to the personality of a socially mature individual. These personal features form a basis necessary to create the ecological culture. The main components of the professional readiness of the teacher-ecologist are: the level of development of the professionally significant personal features, the gnostic readiness, the level of methodical readiness, the level of mastering the ecological and pedagogical ethics.