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Russian Geology and Geophysics

2008 year, number 12

Normative quartz as an indicator of the mass transfer intensity during the postmagmatic alteration of the Botuobinskaya pipe kimberlites (Yakutia)

V.B. Vasilenko a , A.V. Tolstov b , V.A. Minin a , L.G. Kuznetsova a , N.V. Surkov a
a Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 3 prosp. Akad. Koptyuga, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
b ALROSA Joint-Stock Company, Botuobiyan Geological-Prospecting Expedition, Mirnyi, Yakutia-Sakha, Russia
Keywords: Normative quartz; postmagmatic processes; kimberlites; Yakutia
Pages: 894-907


The intensity of postmagmatic processes in the Botuobinskaya pipe kimberlites was estimated from the calculated content of normative secondary quartz (Q). Several simple algorithms are proposed to calculate the Q content from chemical analyses of kimberlites. Ten groups of altered kimberlites have been recognized from the Q contents. The contents of MgO, some trace elements, and LREE in the groups, the contents of Cr and Ca of crimson garnets, the diamond contents of kimberlites, and the average weight of diamonds decrease as the Q content increases. It is shown that the negative SiO2-MgO correlation is the most effective indicator of the postmagmatic alteration of kimberlites. As the degree of their secondary alteration increases, the kimberlites transform into an assemblage of quartz and clay minerals enriched in some trace elements and almost completely lacking REE and diamonds.