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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2007 year, number 3

Ecological Features of the Coenofloras of the Subarctic Tundras of Siberia

M. Yu. Telyatnikov
Pages: 449–464


A comparison of the coenofloras of moss tundras, dryas tundras and cryophytic grassy bogs of the Subarctic region of Yamal, Taymyr and Yakutia is carried out. The values to be compared include the parameters of activity and species richness of the ecological groups of coenofloras. The comparison of the three coenofloras of the Subarctic tundras on the basis of the conditions of heat and humidity resources showed that the habitats of Yamal noticeably differ from the habitats of Taymyr and Yakutia. In Yamal, the conditions are warmer in all the habitats except for the habitats of grassy bogs of the zone of typical tundras. The majority of the habitats in Yamal have less humid conditions. The hydrothermic conditions of Taymyr and Yakutia are similar. The given differences are caused by an increase in continentality of climate from west to east.