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Russian Geology and Geophysics

2007 year, number 9

Causes of variations in morphology and impurities of diamonds from the Udachnaya Pipe eclogite

A.S. Stepanov ab , V.S. Shatsky a , b, D.A. Zedgenizov a , N.V. Sobolev a
a Institute of Geology and Petrology, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 3 prosp. Akad. Koptyuga, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
b Novosibirsk State University, 2 ul. Pirogova, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: Diamond, mantle; eclogite; defects of crystal structure
Pages: 758-769


A unique xenolith of eclogite, 23 × 17 × 11 cm in size and 8 kg in weight, was found in the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe. One hundred twenty-four diamond crystals recovered from it were analyzed by a number of methods. The diamonds differ in morphology, internal structure, color, size, and composition of defects and impurities. The xenolith contains diamonds of octahedral and cubooctahedral habits. In cathodoluminescence, the octahedral crystals have a brightly glowing core with octahedral zones of growth and a weakly glowing rim. In the cores of these crystals the N impurity is mostly present in the B1 form (30 to 60%). At the same time, N in the rim is chiefly in the A form. The cubooctahedral crystals show a weak luminescence. The content of nitrogen and degree of its aggregation are close to those in the rim of octahedral crystals. The diversity of morphology and impurity composition of diamonds from the xenolith can be explained by their formation in two stages. At the first stage, the diamonds formed which became the cores of octahedra. After a long-time interruption, at the second stage of diamond formation crystals of cubooctahedral habit appeared and the octahedral crystals were overgrown. Wide variations in nitrogen contents in the xenolith crystals allowed their use to estimate the kinetics of aggregated nitrogen. The data obtained show that the aggregation of A centers into B1 centers in the diamonds is described by a kinetic reaction of an order of 1.5.