Seismicity and seismoactive faults of Cuba
M.O. Cotilla Rodriguez a , H.J. Franzke b , D. Cordoba Barba a
a Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas, Departamento de Fisica de la Tierra y Astrofisica I, Ciudad Universitaria, s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain b Institut fur Geologie und Paleontologie, TU Clausthal, Leibnizstrasse 10, D38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Keywords: Crust types; fault; microplates; neotectonics; seismicity; seismic hazard; Cuba
Pages: 505-522 Subsection: GEOPHYSICS
The first catalogue of active regional faults of Cuba is presented. The seismotectonic map of Cuba is a base for studying the seismicity in this region. Of the 30 faults studied, only twelve are active. The main seismotectonic structure is the Bartlett-Cayman fault system, which borders the eastern and southeastern seismotectonic units in this region. Approximately 70% of Cuban seismicity is concentrated here. The Cauto-Nipe, Cochinos and Nortecubana faults border other seismotectonic units. The Nortecubana fault is the only one associated with a tsunami. All the faults are segmented. The faults described are related to the current tectonic stress regime of the Northern Caribbean. All the available information (maps, sections and profiles, photos, geological and neotectonic data on seismicity and focal mechanisms) is supported by a GIS.