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Advanced Search

Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2007 year, number 1

Near-wall modeling in computations of turbulent flows on unstructured grids

K.N. Volkov
University of Surrey, Gilford, Great Britain
Pages: 107–123


The questions related to the formulation and numerical realization of boundary conditions on a wall at the computation of turbulent flows on unstructured grids are considered. A technique is proposed for realization of weak boundary conditions assuming a non-zero value of the tangent velocity on the wall at a discretization of the Reynolds-averaged Navier - Stokes equations by the control volume method. The capabilities of the developed approach are demonstrated by the example of computing the flow in the inter-blade channel of a low-velocity compressor. The influence of the near-wall grid step on the accuracy of computations, in particular, the pressure distribution near the profile trailing edge is shown, and the solution grid dependence is investigated when using the method of near-wall functions and weak boundary conditions.