Influence of thermocapillary effects on wave characteristics of the heated liquid film
E.A. Chinnov, A.D. Nazarov, A.V. Saprykina, and A.F. Serov
Kutateladze Institue of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pages: 67–74
Wave characteristics of the water film flow over a vertical plate with a heater were studied. Without a heat flux, data obtained perfectly coincide with results of other authors obtained for an isothermal liquid film. When heating the falling liquid, thermocapillary forces form the rivulets and thin film between them. It was found out that an increase in the heat flux causes a rise of the phase velocity and decreases the frequency of 3D waves. It is shown that in contrast to the known data for an isothermal liquid film, the average relative wave amplitude increases with a rise of dimensionless complex Re loc/ at relatively high heat flux densities in the interrivulet. The growth of wave amplitude under the action of thermocapillary forces was revealed in the interrivulet, what corresponds to calculations.