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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2007 year, number 1

Shock waves and formation of carbon dioxide hydrate at an increased pressure in the gas-liquid medium

V.E. Dontsov, A.A. Chernov, and E.V. Dontsov
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pages: 21–35


The processes of breaking, solution, and formation of hydrates behind a shock wave of moderate amplitude were studied experimentally in water with carbon dioxide bubbles under different initial static pressures. It is shown that an increase in the static pressure in a gas-liquid medium leads to reduction of critical relative amplitude of the shock wave, corresponding to starting development of Kelvin ¾ Helmholtz instability and bubble splitting into small gas inclusions behind the shock wave front. It is shown that the rates of carbon dioxide solution and hydrate formation behind the shock wave front are close by the value; their dependences on medium and wave parameters are determined. Calculations by the model of gas hydration behind the shock wave are presented.