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Humanitarian sciences in Siberia

2006 year, number

The Attitude of the peoples of the North of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) to the market transformations

Robbek, V.A., Kost’uk, V.G., Baisheva, S.M.


The authors set themselves as an object to this article to reveal, on the material of the concrete sociological investigation carried out in 2005, the attitude of the indigenous population of the North (Evenks, Evens and Ukaghirs) to the main points of the market reforms in Russia: privatization, private means, apportion of patrimonial lands in the traditional branches of economy and social differentiation. The negative, as a whole, attitude of the aborigines of the North to the market transformations is interpreted as display of the mental characteristics of the peoples of the Russian Eurasian civilization.