B.L. Wood and N.P. Popov*
StarTechnology Systems N.L., Moscow, Russia, PO Box 6325, University of NSW, Sydney, NSW 1466, Australia * Lenzoloto Open Joint Stock Company, Bodaibo, Russia
Keywords: Disseminated, pyritic, synmetamorphic, greenschist, gold-PGM, Lena, Patom, Baikal, Riphean, Neoproterozoic, Late Precambrian, ridge-subduction, Akitkan, Olokit
Pages: 317-341
The Sukhoi Log gold deposit is centrally located in the Lena goldfield region, approximately 850 km NE from the city of Irkutsk, and is hosted in Upper Proterozoic marine sandstone, carbonaceous slate and phyllite, metamorphosed to low greenschist facies in an outlying part of the major Akitkan Foldbelt. The disseminated pyritic tabular orebody has no outcrop, is defined solely by assay grades and is located in the axial zone of a large, near-isoclinal, reclining anticline. Highest ore grades occur in pyritic black shale beds, especially where they cross the axial zone and include two elongate higher grade (4-9 ppm gold) cylindrical zones, termed ore pillars, along the gently plunging anticlinal crest. The anticline is exposed E-W over a length of 3 km and plunges at approximately 10