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Russian Geology and Geophysics

2006 year, number 2


A.V. Ladynin, A.A. Popova, and N.N. Semakov
Novosibirsk State University, 2 ul. Pirogova, 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: Geomagnetic field, secular variations, satellite measurements, IGRF model, magnetic observatory, secular variation stations
Pages: 284-298


Systematic monitoring of the geomagnetic field at secular variation and repeat stations was stopped 15 years ago in expectation of satellite measurements. Comparison of secular geomagnetic variations estimated directly from annual observatory data and those inferred from changes of IGRF-modeled components measured at observatories shows that much of information is lost because satellite measurements cannot provide the appropriate monitoring of space and time secular variations and regional observatory networks are scarce in many regions of the world, especially in Siberia. Therefore, systematic monitoring of the geomagnetic field by the system of observatories and secular variation stations should be resumed.