Publishing House SB RAS:

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2005 year, number 4

Algorithm for locating a mobile radiation source in a bistatic dynamic angle-finder system

Yu.B. Popov, V.A. Kurakov, and K.Yu. Khabarova
Pages: 62-68


An algorithm for estimating the current coordinates and movement parameters of the source of radiation (optical, acoustic, or radio) by mobile spaced angle-finders is considered. The algorithm is based on Kalman filter theory with the use of a linear dynamic model of relative displacement of objects in the Cartesian coordinate system. The equations of observation are also presented in the linear form. This is achieved by introducing the procedure of nonlinear transformation of the current measurements prior to filtering. Results of model research of the algorithm are discussed. Plots are presented to estimate the accuracy of finding the range, velocity, and heading of the radiation source for different bearing measurement errors.