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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2005 year, number 2

Modelling of heat transfer processes in the channel of an MHD generator with T-layer

E.N. Vasilyev and D.A. Nesterov
Institute of Computational Modelling SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Pages: 277-286


A computational model is presented for the heat transfer processes in a non-uniform high-temperature gas flow and in the MHD channel walls. The results of modelling the processes of radiant and convective heat transfer have shown that the current layer has an unsteady and irregular structure, however, interacts with the gas flow on the whole as a local formation. The radiant fluxes onto the channel walls are computed from the parameters of the current layer structure. The temperature regime of the MHD channel walls is determined from the solution of an unsteady three-dimensional heat conduction problem. The non-uniformity and unsteadiness of radiant fluxes are shown to result in high temperature gradients in the dielectric channel wall.