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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2004 year, number 5

Digital Catalogue of Vascular Plants of Siberia: Structure, Classifiers and Links

K.S. Baikov, N.K. Kovtonyuk, A.A. Krasnikov, A.M. Fedotov


The structure, classifiers and links of two digital libraries are considered: Catalogue of vascular plants of Siberia and Collections of Herbarium specimens (web site: created on the server of SB RAS when implementing the RFBR project No. 99-07-90222 "Digital Atlas on animal and plant lives biodiversity of Siberia" 03-04-49746, 04-04-48493, 04-04-49810, interdisciplinary integration projects of SB RAS No. 66 "Basic research in biodiversity and dynamics of ecosystems", and No. 145 "Biodiversity and dynamics of ecosystems: information technologies and modeling".