Evaluation of the Species Diversity of Autochthonal Larch Associations of the Cryolite Zone and its Post-Fire Dynamics on the Basis of the Shennon Information Index
O.A. Zyryanova, A.P. Abaimov, T.N. Bugaenko
In order to evaluate the functional status of autochthonal larch associations of the cryolite zone of Central Siberia, a methodic approach was applied which united development of standard distributions of species (geometric rows and MacArthur) corresponding to the experimental one, and their subsequent comparison with the help of normalized Shennon index. It was demonstrated on the basis of the performed research that the time of stabilization of autochthonal larch forests after fires, determined on the basis of the structure of relative coating of species starting from which the communities can be considered as autochthonal (climacteric), is 90-100 years. The recovery of the initial species composition embraces 7 seral stages. Recovery of the vertical structure of the association is completed in 20 years after a fire. The dominants of the corresponding tiers recover their positions after 50 years.