Relationships Between Climatic Factors and Biodiversity of Vegetation Cover in Central Siberia at Different Levels of Organization
E.I. Parfenova, N.M. Tchebakova, V.I. Vlasenko
Relationships between species diversity (alpha-diversity) of higher vascular plants and climatic resources of their habitats are analyzed at different levels of the plant organization from botanic-geographical (floristic) regions and large typological subdivisions (steppe types) to specific phytocenoses. The dependence of some aspects of the ecosystem biological diversity ((e.g. tree species and ground layers compositions) and population diversity (for the Pinus sylvestris L. and Larix sibirica Ledeb. climatypes as examples) on climatic factors is also shown. At all the levels of the plant cover organization, species diversity increases with an increase in warmth under unlimited water. With limited water resources, plant diversity decreases. For large territorial units (floristic regions), the species diversity increases in proportion to an increase in climatopic diversity of the territory, estimated using the number of combinations of climatic parameters per unit area.