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Russian Geology and Geophysics

2004 year, number 10


A.P. Karasev, V.V. Olenchenko*, and E.Yu. Yuditskikh**
Keywords: Transient electrochemical process, potential, potential response, relaxation time, polarizability, electrical prospecting setup
Pages: 1210-1218
Subsection: GEOPHYSICS


Laboratory experiments on transient electrochemical processes in synthetic and natural ore minerals revealed correlation of their potential response with electrochemistry. The shapes of potential curves correlate with electrochemistry in metals and with stoichiometry and contents of isomorphic impurities in synthetic galena. The geometric diversity of anode and cathode curves for natural minerals is controlled by their composition and physicochemical conditions of formation. Time-dependent polarizability functions record the compositional and electrochemical homogeneity of laboratory samples and in situ orebodies. The transient response of impurity-bearing polarizable conductors contains delays in potential or voltage buildup which produce peaks in polarization curves.