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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2004 year, number 3

The Influence of Natural Factors on Atmogenic Salination of Soil and Rocks of the South of the Ishym Plain

А. А. Sen'kov


The features of soil salination are investigated depending on the relief, depth at which underground water occurs, lithologic structure, and composition of rocks. The resources of calcium carbonate in the illuvial carbonate horizon of the southern black soil are higher than its initial lithogenic content in the soil-forming rock by 20-25 kg/m2. A negative balance of carbonates (20-60 kg/m2) is observed only in highly leached soil of close-mouthed micro-depressions. The zones of accumulation of carbonates and gypsum in the profile are strictly localized, they are always adjacent to each other, never overlap and never get disconnected. Eluvial-illuvial character of salt distribution over the profile in agreement with their solubility is an evidence of the leading role of atmospheric salts in the formation of the salt profile of autonomous salts.