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Russian Geology and Geophysics

2001 year, number 10

The effect of electromagnetic impacts on seismicity over the Bishkek geodynamic test ground

N. T. Tarasov, N. V. Tarasova, A. A. Avagimov, and V. A. Zeigarnik
Keywords: Seismicity, electromagnetic impact, energetic class K, catalogue, electrokinetics, fluid-containing medium
Pages: 1641-1649


The effect of high-power electromagnetic pulses of MHD-generator on the seismicity of the Bishkek geodynamic test ground has been studied. Local earthquakes became more frequent after the MHD-generator had been started up. High activity of local earthquakes was observed 2 to 4 days after startups. It is shown that electromagnetic pulses cause release of the energy accumulated during tectonic deformation process. The energy releases as a series of relatively weak earthquakes rather than as a catastrophic event.